Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Peer Review discussion

What would you like to see changed?

How would you like for it to be done?

Is there too much time in class that is devoted to peer review?

When it came to Peer reviews I liked the way we approached our papers because getting different peers opinions about our own papers is a plus, but what I didn’t like was the amount of time given to review each paper, and that my peers didn’t really write down or give back any thoughts as to what I needed to improve. In the future I would like to just have extra time to really read the papers and not just skim through and look at grammatical errors… maybe a little more than one peer review would help. After, we receive feedback from the professor it would be nice for someone else to review it before we turned in a final draft. I feel like our process is rushed. I disagree that we have too much time in class I feel that the time that we do have in class is very limited and I sometimes feel rushed to complete just one paper.
For the most part I liked the peer reviews. I thought that it was different because in high school my teacher would always hand us papers that had no relevance to the papers we were writing and make us review those and gave us the option to review our peers papers outside of class. So the in class review is new to me I like the process I just wish we had more time.

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