Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reading and Writing

As a reader I would say that my relationship with books is a positive one. I love to read, but I don’t think that I am reading as much now as I did when I was in high school. I would say my time management has a lot to do with that. 
As a writer I would say that my relationship with it has been refreshed. In high school I never had anyone there to correct me or my mistakes. So when I came to college and had to make tons of revisions to my papers it was kind of a shock to me, but in all that I have learned here in college I can honestly say I still love to write.
Before taking English 100 I can honestly say I read all the time. I was what my high school librarian called a book worm. Any new stories I was always the first to read them. I loved reading I had my specific genre though I love drama, and some mystery but I often get lost when it comes to historical biographies or action books.
I wrote a lot before taking English 100 I kept a journal. I still do actually I’d say that writing in it helps me to focus more on my academic writings as well. It helps me not to ramble about a million topics.
My outlook on both reading and writing has changed in the past three months. I’d say that my concepts on them month have caused me to change. I think that my reading skills have developed and I can actually comprehend what I am reading. My writing skills have developed I think I am a better writer. I not the greatest , I am progressing towards something better than I am now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam,

    I'm glad to hear that you had a relationship with books before this class and that you still do. Keeping a journal does help. I know what you mean--when I write, I have to freewrite in order to identify a focus. How are you able to transition from journal writing to academic writing?

    I was very happy with Task One. Although it is quite long, your strength here is your detail. You are a good writer, but as we all need, all writers need fine-tuning. Where do you think you need to improve on?

    Ms. C
