Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Introductory Letter

          My name is Samantha Johnson, I am nineteen years old. I will be honest I am scared as hell about this whole new experience of college. I mean I would guess that everyone is pretty afraid. I am an incoming freshman my major is Physical Therapy/ Biology. Many people just assume that I am really smart. I can agree that I am pretty smart and I can grasp on to almost any topic really easy. As you are asking us to explain what are our weaknesses and strong points as a reader and a writer.

I would have to say that as a reader I can stand strong and annunciate my words and pronounce almost any word even if it is the first time I have seen it, but when it comes to the actual comprehending what I am reading I am what you would call illiterate. I can read but when it comes to comprehending what I have read I’m not so good at. Don’t get me wrong I love to read and I can give you an analysis about almost any book I have read. But when it comes to short works and essays that’s where I began to pose a problem. I’ve loved to read since I was in kindergarten, I love the way books could capture my attention and make all my problems seem so small. At one point I wanted to be a writer, because I thought I love the way the stories just flow and move so freely and travel to the next issue so smoothly, but as I tried so hard to do what my favorite authors did I realized that I had a problem. I could not make a story flow freely or even a paper.

As a writer I am what you would call more of a freelance. I love to write but only about things that I care about. I really am not good at formatting and I never really grasped the citation process. I will be honest my high school English teacher was very good but she never took the time to actually teach my senior class the process of citation she just assumed that we all already knew. So when we did write a paper and we all failed we figured that she would then eventually go over it, but she didn’t and her remarks were “you will eventually learn it in college.” So as a high school senior I was just skimming the surface when it came down to the actually English mechanics, and writing strategies. I knew that I didn’t know them and honestly at this point and time I still don’t know them very well, but I know that and I am trying to work on it.

So I am not very strong at reading or writing I know some basics and im just looking to enhance and broaden those skills.

1 comment:

  1. HI Samantha,

    Thank you for sharing. What do you like to read? Some of my favorite authors include Philippa Gregory, Alison Weir, Jodi Picoult and Sapphire. One of the novels I read this summer was "Precious" also known as "Push."

    I like that you want to become a writer. Are you still interested in this field? My advice to you is to continue to read. Read as much as you can. If you still want to become a writer, great! But there is a reason why you weren't born Sapphire or any other promising writer. You are you and you have to write in your style (which is what makes you unique).

    When it comes down to the mechanics, that is something we will work on throughout the semester. I don't want you to think that this is the focal point. It is important to have structure, but this should be in the final stages of drafting.

    Ms. Chastain
